
The game was submitted to Theana Weekly Jam 22. Due to time constraints there was not much time to play test - I wasn't even able to complete all my own levels. 

I think this game mechanic had a lot of potential to be fun/challenging, so I wanted to polish the game until it was playable.


 - Change player controller parameters for more maneuverability in the air

- Fix bug with player controller resulting in not being able to air jump for specific input sequences after grabbing a balloon

- Add invulnerability duration after leaving respawn platform

- Optimization disabling rope physics for untouched balloons

- Make player controller input sequence for swing from balloon to balloon more lenient/intuitive

- Increase default jump force so player doesn't get stuck in a spot unable to reach other balloons

- Adjust timing of enemy attacks telegraphing

- UI/art minor improvements



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